Club Show 2018
Domare: Mrs Carol West, kennel Sheigra och Mr Philip Dye, kennel Tarazzo

Philip Dye som dömde tikar: “I would like to thank the club, firstly for inviting myself to judge at your show, and for your wonderful hospitality shown to myself and my wife. During our stay I was very impressed with the overall quality and presentation of the bitches I judged. I would like to thank the exhibitors for the entry ans sporting acceptance of my decisions. My only criticism would be in my view that some bitches are starting to look like males. But movement was good and I am sure the future is bright for Cockers in Sweden. We have enjoyed our time with you all.”
Carol West som dömde hanhundar skriver: ” I would like to say that it was an honour and a privilege to be invited to Sweden to judge at the 40th Anniversary Show. I was most impressed with the overall quality of the dogs and by the sporting manner that the exhibitors accepted my decisions. In general the short, square, well balanced and sound moving cocker was very much in evidence, and the quality in the younger classes augers well for the future.
Here in England we are finding a couple of faults creeping in, in all colours length of back is becoming far too long taking away that short square outline required, i.e. withers to ground and withers to root of tail being equal measurements. The other fault, mainly in the solids is heavy untypical domed skulls with no work or chiselling. I am pleased to say that there were very few dogs in Sweden showing these negative traits, although I did notice one or two of the particolours showing white haw which is not ideal as it takes away that melting cocker expression.
It was obvious that a lot of hard work and preparation had gone into the organising of the show as it was so well run and there was a lovely happy atmosphere throughout the day with some super prizes for the winners. The after show dinner was a wonderful opportunity to meet with the committee and some of the exhibitors over a lovely meal. Being invited to watch the working tests on the Sunday and being allowed to follow a dog being tested at close quarters behind the judge and the gun was a real pleasure. The experience left me in no doubt that our “show” cockers can still do the job for which they were bred, maybe not with the speed and finesse of their working cousins, but the ability is still there. The afternoon was rounded off with tasty hot dogs round the bar-b-que and a prize giving ceremony in the forest. The hospitality shown to us throughout our visit to Sweden was second to none, thank you all for a truly memorable visit to Sweden.”

BIS BIR LT Ch SE U(u)Ch Merry Cocktails Xenon, äg Sandra Svensson
BIS-R BIM cert Manaca’s Something New, äg Monica Forsander

2 bästa hane, cert, BIS-r Junior
Cockernest Beautiful Dream, äg Katarina Rodell

2 bästa tik
SE U(u)Ch Honeywater’s Clean Sweep, Karoline Djerf

3 bästa hane
DK Ch SE U(u)Ch Backhills Living The Dream, äg Anette Wester

3:a bästa tik
C.I.E. NO U Ch SE U(u)Ch SE V-17 SE V Ch VDH Ch WW-17 Manacas Like It Or Not
äg Monica Forsander

4 bästa hane BIS veteran
C.I.E. Nord u ch, VDH Ch WW-14 Ozzie Black Petrs, äg Ann-Christin Nyman

4 bästa tik, r-cert
Charbonnel Design N’Blue, äg Monica Forsander

Line Sam Gaze For Hugs, äg Tord Lundborg

BIS uppfödargrupp, kennel Manacas

BIS avelsgrupp: Ch Manacas Ideas For Life, äg Monica Forsander

BIS valp BIR valpklass 2 Manacas Rumour Has It, äg Monica Forsander
BIS-r BIR valpklass 1 Westridge Quantum of Solace, äg Monica Riscoll

BIS junior Manaca’s Something New, äg Monica Forsander
BIS-r junior Cockernest Beautiful Dream, äg Katarina Rodell

BIS unghund Paisleys For Your Eyes Only, äg Ann Christin Nyman
BIS-R unghund Manaca’s Double Dream, äg Sandra Svensson

BIS veteran C.I.E. Nord u ch, VDH Ch WW-14 Ozzie Black Petrs, äg Ann-Christin Nyman
BIS-R Veteran C.I.E. NO U Ch SE U(u)Ch SE V-17 SE V Ch VDH Ch WW-17 Manacas Like It Or Not, äg Monica Forsander
Fotograf: Marie Loré
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